2 Hours Delivery Available *
Price Match Guarantee *

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Our Guarantee

A2Z Translator provides explicit guarantees on quality and delivery dates.

If the delivery is late, and the delay expressed in business days exceeds one-third of the translation’s total time budget (i.e., 33% late), and if the delay is solely attributable to A2Z Translator, we shall reimburse up to 100% of the cost of the job.

General Sales Conditions

These general sales conditions apply to all jobs carried out by A2Z Translator for its clients.

Technical documents shall be accompanied by reference documents supplied by the client and/or drawings or diagrams that provide a better understanding of such documents.

The cost of a translation shall be calculated using a count of words in the source language, unless otherwise previously established in writing.

In the event that a client cancels an order, all work already effected shall be billed at 100%, while work which is suspended shall be billed at 50%.

Complaints shall only be taken into consideration if received by registered mail with return receipt within seven days of delivery of the job(s) or part of the job(s). All complaints must be accompanied by the original documents, disputed translations, and a letter of explanation. Once the above time period has elapsed, the translation shall be considered correct.

Document genie shall not be held liable for any delays caused by malfunctioning faxes, modems, email and/or other mail or carriers, not directly controlled by document genie

In the event of late delivery where the time late is more than one third of the established delivery time, and in the event that the delay is directly and solely attributable to document genie, a reimbursement shall be paid, to be established between the parties, up to an amount of 100% of the job delivered late.



We do not acknowledge any guarantee or condition related to the services offered, including all implicit guarantees and conditions regarding salability, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-violation of third-party rights. We shall not be liable, for any reason whatsoever, for special, indirect, or consequential damages or for any other damages of any type resulting from the loss of rights to use, loss of information, or lost profits, whether they result from the performance of a contract, negligence, or other detrimental actions, deriving from or in some way connected with the services of. Document genie.


Harmful Content

Documet Genie maintains a high standard for the safety of its workforce, including staff and freelancers.

We do not support the propagation of hateful and derogatory content, including violent and graphic material, and reserve the right to cancel any order deemed violent or inappropriate.

Document Genie recognizes that clients may request to translate potentially harmful content for educational or professional purposes, including graphic, violent or sensitive material. To guarantee the safety of our staff and of theCommunity of freelancers working with us we ask that the client supplies information on such content, flagging potential triggering material upon placing the order request.

Document Genie and its clients shall not discriminate against freelancers on the grounds of race, ethnicity, social status, religion or belief, political or philosophical opinions, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, neurodivergence, age, geographical location, or any other status.

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